Gender Ideology Resources

Equip your church or ministry with the knowledge and resources to make an impact.

Gender Ideology

Equip your church or ministry with the knowledge and resources to make an impact.


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Church & Culture Webinar: Equipping the Parents in Your Congregation With a Biblical View of Gender
Alliance Defending Freedom

The rapid embrace of radical ideas surrounding gender identity ideology is seemingly everywhere we turn. It is even infiltrating the public school system as activists seek to strip away the rights of parents to direct the upbringing of their children. In this webinar, you'll hear about current legislation and court cases related to gender identity issues and parental rights, ways the church can engage on human sexuality issues, and how your church can protect its religious freedom.

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Male & Female He Created Them: Understanding & Responding to A Crisis of Identity
Alliance Defending Freedom

The rapid embrace of radical ideas and activism surrounding gender ideology is seemingly everywhere we turn. This resource is intended to help churches and ministries engage with this pressing issue. It includes hypothetical scenarios, practical actions for your church, considerations for pronoun usage, and more.

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Parents' Toolkit on Critical Theory in Education and Healthcare
Alliance Defending Freedom

The Constitution protects your God-given rights as a parent to raise your children with your values. But governments and radical school boards are trying to insert themselves and their harmful ideology between you and your child. Download ADF's free Parents' Toolkit on Critical Theory today and equip yourself to defend your rights and learn how Critical Theory, Critical Race Theory, Transgender Ideology, and Comprehensive Sexual Education threaten your child.

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3 Ways for Parents to Navigate Destructive Gender Ideology in Schools
Alliance Defending Freedom

Parents have the ultimate responsibility to guide the education, healthcare, and other important life decisions regarding their child. However, harmful gender theory has permeated our education system, and many policies seek to drive a wedge between parent and child. This short guide provides three helpful ways parents can exercise their foundational rights and protect their children from the devastation caused by gender ideology.

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Sample Statement on Marriage and Sexuality
Alliance Defending Freedom

This statement is critical in today's changing culture. Every bible-believing church should clearly communicate their beliefs about marriage and sexuality.

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Parents Toolkit on Critical Theory
Alliance Defending Freedom

Parental rights are fundamental rights protected by the U.S. Constitution. These rights include a parent's right to direct the upbringing of their children, and to make decisions regarding their children's education and healthcare in a manner consistent with their family values. Parents also have the corresponding duty to exercise these rights in a manner that promotes their children's general health and well-being. This toolkit is a parents' rights resource that will equip you to love, guide, and protect your children and grandchildren.

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Can Schools Keep Parents in the Dark?
Alliance Defending Freedom

Do the parents of a first-grade girl have a right to know if teachers and administrators at her school are encouraging her to believe that she's really a boy trapped in a girl's body? Of course. But that message hasn't gotten through to some school administrators in Madison, WI.

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Sample Marriage and Wedding Policy
Alliance Defending Freedom

Every church should implement a marriage and wedding policy given the seismic shifts we've seen in our culture and laws.

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Sex Change Regret

Collection of resources by Walt Heyer, a former transgender-identified man, and personal stories by detransitioners of all ages.

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When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment
Ryan T. Anderson

Book by philosopher and policy expert using biology, psychology, and philosophy to offer a nuanced view of human embodiment, responses to gender dysphoria, and the claims of the transgender movement.

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The Holy Sexuality Project
Dr. Christopher Yuan

From the author of Holy Sexuality and the Gospel (2020 resource of the year for social issues by Outreach Magazine) and Out of a Far Country, which details his dramatic conversion from an agnostic gay man who put his identity in his sexuality to a pastor, Bible professor, and Christian author who now puts his identity in Christ alone, comes a thoroughly gospel-centered video study on sex, sexuality, and gender.

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Sex Reassignment Doesn't Work. Here Is the Evidence
Ryan T. Anderson, The Heritage Foundation

Philosopher and public policy expert, Ryan Anderson, debunks claims about sex reassignment.

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Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age
Rosaria Butterfield

Book by former Syracuse University Professor of English and Women's Studies offering a biblical understanding of what it means to be a woman, confronting secular claims on sexuality and gender.

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Lost in Trans Nation: A Child Psychiatrist's Guide Out of the Madness
Miriam Grossman

Book by child and adolescent psychiatrist challenging the medical and societal response to transgender youth, providing advice to parents to trust their instincts and biological realities, and critiquing perceived ideological distortions in mainstream treatments and policies.

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Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters
Abigail Shrier

Book by Wall Street Journal writer chronicling the rise of rapid onset gender dysphoria (ROGD) among a new population, girls and young women with perspectives from medical experts and parents.

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ReStory Ministries

Provides biblical resources and training that address LGBTQ, so that pastors and leaders can be equipped for effective ministry, individuals and families can find hope and support, and congregations can become healing communities.

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How Gender Theory Undermines Reality
Alliance Defending Freedom

Proponents of gender theory have contributed to the current confusion about gender and sexuality by undermining one of the most foundational realities of what it means to be human: the fact that we are created male and female. When we deny this reality, everyone loses. But how did the events we see today come about? To answer that question, we need to understand how the word "gender" has morphed over time and become laden with additional meanings.

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Protecting What God Entrusts: The Importance of Parental Rights
Alliance Defending Freedom

Parental rights are related to the noble, fundamental duty that parents have in directing the upbringing, care, and education of their children. They are fundamental rights and, therefore, protected by the U.S. Constitution. Parental rights are pre-political, meaning they existed before the formal institution of any government. They are natural rights and cannot be given or taken away by a government. Instead, the government's job in this area is simply to recognize and uphold these inherent rights.

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'Gender Support Plans' Trample Parental Rights
Alliance Defending Freedom

Parents have the right and responsibility to direct the upbringing and education of their children. And children need their parents to do just that, especially when they are struggling with challenging issues like their identity. Yet, sadly, many schools around the country are allowing and even encouraging children who are struggling with their identity to make life-altering decisions without informing their parents.

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Gender Confusion and Transgender Identity
American College of Pediatrics

Position statements, articles, and videos on treating gender dysphoria in youth.

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Psychologist Dr. James Cantor Details Harms of 'Transitioning' Kids
Alliance Defending Freedom

Dr. Cantor's expert report details the scientific evidence surrounding treatments of gender dysphoria and the effects of 'medically transitioning' children, especially as it pertains to the use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones.

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Statement on Marriage, Gender, and Sexuality
Alliance Defending Freedom

Crafting a simple statement on marriage, gender, and sexuality can create clarity for the culture, the courts, and your congregation. Senior counsel Ray Kaselonis discusses why this statement is so helpful for churches to have in a culture that changes so rapidly on these issues.

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Introduction: How to Speak Up About Gender Identity
The Heritage Foundation

Online Q&A unpacking terminology on sex, gender, and gender identity.

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Responding to the Transgender Issue: Parent Resource Guide
Family Policy Alliance

Guide for parents to understand the implications of transgender activism in schools, communicate with school leaders, and advocate for commonsense policies with compassion.

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Why I no longer use Transgender Pronouns–and Why You shouldn't, either.
Rosaria Butterfield

Short article explaining why an author who formerly used transgender pronouns now considers them sinful and harmful.

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God and the Transgender Debate: What Does the Bible Actually Say About Gender Identity?
Dr. Andrew T. Walker

Book by Ethics and Public Theology Professor at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fellow with the Ethics and Public Policy Center, and Editor at World Magazine offers a biblical framework for Christians to respond to the claims and demands of transgender ideology.

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Desist, Detrans, & Detox: Getting Your Child Out of the Gender Cult
Maria Keffler

Book by parental rights advocate that provides a roadmap to help families navigate transgender ideology and bring their children back to reality and safety.

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Bruce or Caitlyn? He or she? Should Christians accommodate transgender naming?
Denny Burk

Short article by Professor of Biblical Studies at Boyce College explaining why transgender pronouns are contrary to human flourishing.

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Unraveling Gender: The Battle Over Sexual Differences
John S. Grabowski

Book by Professor of Moral Theology/Ethics at the Catholic University of America drawing upon Scripture and Catholic teaching to equip parents, clergymen, and educators to respond to the battle over sexual difference.

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The Genesis of Gender: A Christian Theory
Abigail Favale

Book by a professor in the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame offering a Christian theory for understanding gender and discussing gender identity's roots in feminism and postmodern thought.

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The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution
Carl Trueman

Book by Professor of Biblical and Religious Studies at Grove City College discussing the historical and philosophical roots of Western culture's search for identity and the Sexual Revolution.

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Megyn Kelly Explains Why She Will No Longer Use "Preferred Pronouns" as Trans Ideology Grows
Megyn Kelly

Video by a news commentator on the transgender movement and preferred pronouns.

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Identity Project

The Identity Project is for parents, grandparents, teachers, leaders, ministers, medical professionals, and anyone who wants to know, speak, and advocate for the truth about human identity amid cultural chaos. Access 150+ (and growing) videos on sexuality, “gender,” and identity topics from vetted subject matter experts.

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The Harms of Gender Ideology Panel
Alliance Defending Freedom

During this panel discussion, we hear the harmful effects of the transgender movement from the perspectives of a pastor, ministry leader, female athlete, detransitioner, and medical professional.

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[Webinar] Church & Culture: Guiding the Next Gen to a Biblical Understanding of Sexuality

Our culture is distorting God’s design for human sexuality. Once a hallmark of reality and truth, it's now sitting before the jury of our relativistic society that aims to reconceive its historical, scientific, and biblical meaning.

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Parents Toolkit on Critical Theory
Alliance Defending Freedom

Parental rights are fundamental rights protected by the U.S. Constitution. These rights include a parent's right to direct the upbringing of their children, and to make decisions regarding their children's education and healthcare in a manner consistent with their family values. Parents also have the corresponding duty to exercise these rights in a manner that promotes their children's general health and well-being. This toolkit is a parents' rights resource that will equip you to love, guide, and protect your children and grandchildren.

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Sex Reassignment Doesn't Work. Here Is the Evidence
Ryan T. Anderson, The Heritage Foundation

Philosopher and public policy expert, Ryan Anderson, debunks claims about sex reassignment.

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How Gender Theory Undermines Reality
Alliance Defending Freedom

Proponents of gender theory have contributed to the current confusion about gender and sexuality by undermining one of the most foundational realities of what it means to be human: the fact that we are created male and female. When we deny this reality, everyone loses. But how did the events we see today come about? To answer that question, we need to understand how the word "gender" has morphed over time and become laden with additional meanings.

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Protecting What God Entrusts: The Importance of Parental Rights
Alliance Defending Freedom

Parental rights are related to the noble, fundamental duty that parents have in directing the upbringing, care, and education of their children. They are fundamental rights and, therefore, protected by the U.S. Constitution. Parental rights are pre-political, meaning they existed before the formal institution of any government. They are natural rights and cannot be given or taken away by a government. Instead, the government's job in this area is simply to recognize and uphold these inherent rights.

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'Gender Support Plans' Trample Parental Rights
Alliance Defending Freedom

Parents have the right and responsibility to direct the upbringing and education of their children. And children need their parents to do just that, especially when they are struggling with challenging issues like their identity. Yet, sadly, many schools around the country are allowing and even encouraging children who are struggling with their identity to make life-altering decisions without informing their parents.

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Psychologist Dr. James Cantor Details Harms of 'Transitioning' Kids
Alliance Defending Freedom

Dr. Cantor's expert report details the scientific evidence surrounding treatments of gender dysphoria and the effects of 'medically transitioning' children, especially as it pertains to the use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones.

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Why I no longer use Transgender Pronouns–and Why You shouldn't, either.
Rosaria Butterfield

Short article explaining why an author who formerly used transgender pronouns now considers them sinful and harmful.

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Bruce or Caitlyn? He or she? Should Christians accommodate transgender naming?
Denny Burk

Short article by Professor of Biblical Studies at Boyce College explaining why transgender pronouns are contrary to human flourishing.

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When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment
Ryan T. Anderson

Book by philosopher and policy expert using biology, psychology, and philosophy to offer a nuanced view of human embodiment, responses to gender dysphoria, and the claims of the transgender movement.

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Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age
Rosaria Butterfield

Book by former Syracuse University Professor of English and Women's Studies offering a biblical understanding of what it means to be a woman, confronting secular claims on sexuality and gender.

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Lost in Trans Nation: A Child Psychiatrist's Guide Out of the Madness
Miriam Grossman

Book by child and adolescent psychiatrist challenging the medical and societal response to transgender youth, providing advice to parents to trust their instincts and biological realities, and critiquing perceived ideological distortions in mainstream treatments and policies.

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Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters
Abigail Shrier

Book by Wall Street Journal writer chronicling the rise of rapid onset gender dysphoria (ROGD) among a new population, girls and young women with perspectives from medical experts and parents.

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God and the Transgender Debate: What Does the Bible Actually Say About Gender Identity?
Dr. Andrew T. Walker

Book by Ethics and Public Theology Professor at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fellow with the Ethics and Public Policy Center, and Editor at World Magazine offers a biblical framework for Christians to respond to the claims and demands of transgender ideology.

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Desist, Detrans, & Detox: Getting Your Child Out of the Gender Cult
Maria Keffler

Book by parental rights advocate that provides a roadmap to help families navigate transgender ideology and bring their children back to reality and safety.

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Unraveling Gender: The Battle Over Sexual Differences
John S. Grabowski

Book by Professor of Moral Theology/Ethics at the Catholic University of America drawing upon Scripture and Catholic teaching to equip parents, clergymen, and educators to respond to the battle over sexual difference.

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The Genesis of Gender: A Christian Theory
Abigail Favale

Book by a professor in the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame offering a Christian theory for understanding gender and discussing gender identity's roots in feminism and postmodern thought.

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The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution
Carl Trueman

Book by Professor of Biblical and Religious Studies at Grove City College discussing the historical and philosophical roots of Western culture's search for identity and the Sexual Revolution.

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Male & Female He Created Them: Understanding & Responding to A Crisis of Identity
Alliance Defending Freedom

The rapid embrace of radical ideas and activism surrounding gender ideology is seemingly everywhere we turn. This resource is intended to help churches and ministries engage with this pressing issue. It includes hypothetical scenarios, practical actions for your church, considerations for pronoun usage, and more.

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Parents' Toolkit on Critical Theory in Education and Healthcare
Alliance Defending Freedom

The Constitution protects your God-given rights as a parent to raise your children with your values. But governments and radical school boards are trying to insert themselves and their harmful ideology between you and your child. Download ADF's free Parents' Toolkit on Critical Theory today and equip yourself to defend your rights and learn how Critical Theory, Critical Race Theory, Transgender Ideology, and Comprehensive Sexual Education threaten your child.

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3 Ways for Parents to Navigate Destructive Gender Ideology in Schools
Alliance Defending Freedom

Parents have the ultimate responsibility to guide the education, healthcare, and other important life decisions regarding their child. However, harmful gender theory has permeated our education system, and many policies seek to drive a wedge between parent and child. This short guide provides three helpful ways parents can exercise their foundational rights and protect their children from the devastation caused by gender ideology.

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Sample Statement on Marriage and Sexuality
Alliance Defending Freedom

This statement is critical in today's changing culture. Every bible-believing church should clearly communicate their beliefs about marriage and sexuality.

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Sample Marriage and Wedding Policy
Alliance Defending Freedom

Every church should implement a marriage and wedding policy given the seismic shifts we've seen in our culture and laws.

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The Holy Sexuality Project
Dr. Christopher Yuan

From the author of Holy Sexuality and the Gospel (2020 resource of the year for social issues by Outreach Magazine) and Out of a Far Country, which details his dramatic conversion from an agnostic gay man who put his identity in his sexuality to a pastor, Bible professor, and Christian author who now puts his identity in Christ alone, comes a thoroughly gospel-centered video study on sex, sexuality, and gender.

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Gender Confusion and Transgender Identity
American College of Pediatrics

Position statements, articles, and videos on treating gender dysphoria in youth.

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Introduction: How to Speak Up About Gender Identity
The Heritage Foundation

Online Q&A unpacking terminology on sex, gender, and gender identity.

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Responding to the Transgender Issue: Parent Resource Guide
Family Policy Alliance

Guide for parents to understand the implications of transgender activism in schools, communicate with school leaders, and advocate for commonsense policies with compassion.

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Identity Project

The Identity Project is for parents, grandparents, teachers, leaders, ministers, medical professionals, and anyone who wants to know, speak, and advocate for the truth about human identity amid cultural chaos. Access 150+ (and growing) videos on sexuality, “gender,” and identity topics from vetted subject matter experts.

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Sex Change Regret

Collection of resources by Walt Heyer, a former transgender-identified man, and personal stories by detransitioners of all ages.

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ReStory Ministries

Provides biblical resources and training that address LGBTQ, so that pastors and leaders can be equipped for effective ministry, individuals and families can find hope and support, and congregations can become healing communities.

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Church & Culture Webinar: Equipping the Parents in Your Congregation With a Biblical View of Gender
Alliance Defending Freedom

The rapid embrace of radical ideas surrounding gender identity ideology is seemingly everywhere we turn. It is even infiltrating the public school system as activists seek to strip away the rights of parents to direct the upbringing of their children. In this webinar, you'll hear about current legislation and court cases related to gender identity issues and parental rights, ways the church can engage on human sexuality issues, and how your church can protect its religious freedom.

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Can Schools Keep Parents in the Dark?
Alliance Defending Freedom

Do the parents of a first-grade girl have a right to know if teachers and administrators at her school are encouraging her to believe that she's really a boy trapped in a girl's body? Of course. But that message hasn't gotten through to some school administrators in Madison, WI.

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Statement on Marriage, Gender, and Sexuality
Alliance Defending Freedom

Crafting a simple statement on marriage, gender, and sexuality can create clarity for the culture, the courts, and your congregation. Senior counsel Ray Kaselonis discusses why this statement is so helpful for churches to have in a culture that changes so rapidly on these issues.

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Megyn Kelly Explains Why She Will No Longer Use "Preferred Pronouns" as Trans Ideology Grows
Megyn Kelly

Video by a news commentator on the transgender movement and preferred pronouns.

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The Harms of Gender Ideology Panel
Alliance Defending Freedom

During this panel discussion, we hear the harmful effects of the transgender movement from the perspectives of a pastor, ministry leader, female athlete, detransitioner, and medical professional.

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[Webinar] Church & Culture: Guiding the Next Gen to a Biblical Understanding of Sexuality

Our culture is distorting God’s design for human sexuality. Once a hallmark of reality and truth, it's now sitting before the jury of our relativistic society that aims to reconceive its historical, scientific, and biblical meaning.

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Referral to websites and other resources not produced by Alliance Defending Freedom is for informational purposes only and does not necessarily constitute an endorsement of the content.