Better Prepare Your Rescue Mission for Religious Freedom Legal Challenges

It's becoming harder for leaders to navigate the legal and cultural issues their ministries face. Many activists and government officials are pushing laws and policies that would prevent rescue missions from operating according to their biblical beliefs. This easy-to-understand resource describes practical steps you can take today to prepare your rescue mission, so you can approach religious freedom legal issues with confidence.

What Our Members Are Saying

“Alliance Defending Freedom is on the front lines of the battle over religious liberty. From legal audits, to resources, to representation, ADF offers a full suite of tools to help our members stay prepared and protected, so that they can focus on helping people in need.”

Justin Boles

Vice President, Citygate Network

"The truth is: most local legal counsel lack the knowledge and expertise to guide Christian nonprofits and ministries with relevant and current legal counsel in these challenging and litigious times. ADF are those professionals. Recently, they assisted us as we implemented new bylaws. And, if or when the day comes when our religious freedoms are attacked, I know now that we'll have proper preparations and protections for our ministry."

Jeremy Montgomery

President/CEO of Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission, Citygate Member

"We would never be here now but that ADF came to our defense. ADF has a culture of honor — with each other, toward their clients, even in how they handle the people that the lawsuit is against. They’re my heroes."

Sherrie Laurie

Executive Director of Downtown Hope Center, Citygate Member