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Before you leave, watch our webinar designed to help you confidently navigate this election season with special guest, Dr. Andrew Walker.

Church & Culture: Navigating Faith and Politics as a Ministry Leader

How should pastors guide their congregation toward a Christ-centered approach to political engagement? In a society that often blurs the lines between biblical principles and partisan politics, considering this question is of great importance. 

This livestream aims to equip pastors from various faith traditions with the knowledge to confidently help their congregations navigate this election season according to their convictions and within their legal rights. 

Key questions we explored include:

  • How do Christians engage in the political world while maintaining their primary identity in Christ?
  • How can pastors guide their congregations to engage in politics not as partisans but as ambassadors for Christ? 
  • What legal limitations and restrictions are placed on churches, ministries, and pastors when engaging in political activities?